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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it ...

The Race to 40

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it ...

Dragona PH CBT Event Winners

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it ...

Gunner is mostly a PVE type of character because of its AOE skills. But that doesn't stop it when it comes to dominating the PVP arena.

Having huge damage and a descent amount of defensive power, Gunner makes a very balanced character that would be good for either PVP or PVE.

Having the right allocation of skill stats will create a powerful PVP Gunner, but the downside would be, not leveling up as fast as other Gunners who allocate their stats on low level AOE skills, that is very helpful for rushing to reach the level cap.

---- Updated August 14, 2011 ----

Every level gained give you only one skill point each, but there are quests that grants skill points after accomplishing it. There are also instance that you will be receiving more than one skill points, and that would be based on your available active skills. On that matter, we can't give you the exact numbers of skill points that one will be having on every certain level.

*NOTE: Level 1 = 2 skill points, Level 2 = 2 skill points, Level 3-4 = 1 skill points each, Level 5 = 4 skill points; It is based on every active skills available on every level.

Instead of giving you a normal skill build, we decided to give you a guide to which skills best to get first to have a PVP type Gunner.

Go for PVE and level up fast -- Every MMORPG gamer wants to dominate the PVP arena, and some start its PVP build as early as receiving their first stats upon leveling. But here in Dragona, you don't have to face that problem when you have to choose between leveling up fast or slowly reaching the top with an awesome PVP build.

Upon reaching level 23, you will have your quest that will grant you free Skill reset scroll, which is really helpful for Gunner who chose to be PVE then decided to become a PVP character.

On a PVP duel that will only for 10 seconds, speed is the key to winning, therefore you don't want to have skills that takes too long to cast and to cool down. Skills that takes a lot of time to be cast are skills that gives huge damage, but the time casting the skill will cause you an instant death against high damage classes like Assassins.

Long casting time are only applicable for range characters, yes Gunner is a range class, but compare to the range of other class, Gunners range is actually too close, therefore you won't be needing skills that are too long to cast since you don't have the luxury to pause for that long.

We are still gathering more informations about the proper allocation of skills for a PVP buil Gunner. We're going to update this post as soon as we gathered enough data for the best skill build based on players experiences that we have encountered and interviewed.

Subscribe to our posts to get updated to the best skill builds for your chosen character.

Check the Official Gunner Skills here.

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